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Crystal Lume

Small Cedar Smudge Wand

Small Cedar Smudge Wand

Regular price $3.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $3.00 USD
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Ethically Sourced Cedar Smudge Bundle — Sacred Purification & Protection 🌲

Our ethically sourced Cedar smudge bundles come from a local tribe in Colorado, honoring traditional harvesting practices and have deep respect for the land. Used in sacred rituals for centuries, Cedar carries a powerful protective and purifying energy, making it an wonderful tool for spiritual cleansing, grounding, and ancestral connection.

Spiritual Properties

✨ Protection & Strength — Wards off negative energy and creates a shield of spiritual security.

✨ Purification & Renewal — Clears stagnant energy and invites fresh, positive vibrations.

✨ Sacred Connection — Deepens your bond with the Earth, ancestors, and higher realms.

How to Use Safely in Ritual

  1. Set Your Intention — Before lighting, take a moment to focus on what you wish to clear or invite in.
  2. Ignite & Smolder — Light the tip, allow it to burn briefly, then blow out the flame so the bundle smolders.
  3. Sweep the Energy — Use your hand or a feather to guide the fragrant smoke around yourself, your space, or sacred objects.
  4. Extinguish Mindfully — When finished, press the smoldering end into a fireproof dish or sand to fully put it out.


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